Friday, March 30, 2007

Good Prospect

If you've been missing my posts, I apologize. A recent move and general laziness/doubts have thwarted my efforts to post on a more regular basis.

Last Saturday I ran 10 miles in Prospect Park in Brooklyn. It was long, there were hills I ran up, then turned around and did them again. I had my first energy Goo ( I didn't name them) which basically tasted like really bad frosting and swore to never have them again. I am now trying Cliff Shot Bloks - consistency is kinda like gummy bears. These are necessary evils when running long distance. After every hour of running, your'e ideally supposed to consume 100 calories to keep you going strong. The goos and energy type things have that perfect balance of carbs, sodium and even caffeine to convince your body that this really isn't that insane and that 26.2 miles is totally doable.....or something like that.

The only bad, no scratch that, terrible thing about Saturday's run was how my knees felt that evening and following day. Basically as if someone had been stabbing me repeatedly with an ice pick in my patella. Ice did little good and I therefore resigned myself to drinking Guiness Saturday night to at least get the discomfort off my mind. (note: Guiness works well at making you get your mind off of most things, like when to wake up the following morning and what borough you're in - for the record, I was in Manhattan). I learned Saturday that the natural beauty of a Park can make you feel much better about running when you don't want to (nice weather helps too) and that Prospect Park West is a smaller scale CPW and in my opinion, even more beautiful. You go, Brooklyn!

Miles Ran: 10
Guinesses to numb the pain: censored
Wake up time Sunday: noon(ish)

1 comment:

roxie said...

just so long as you're not as sad as kermie. (clip rated "G" for muppets, "R" for needles")

Sad Kermit - Hurt